A physician-directed, personalized approach to help you get to your best weight and live your healthiest life.

A physician-directed, personalized approach to help you get to your best weight and live your healthiest life.

BestFit Virtual Health and Wellness aims at helping adults living with obesity, or who are overweight, with their journey towards their best weight, optimal metabolic health, and a healthier lifestyle by making sustainable lifelong changes through a telemedicine-based, patient-centered, and personalized approach with Dr. Minnie Taw, an experienced obesity medicine specialist.

“Let food be thy medicine,
and let medicine be thy food” – Hippocrates
How it works

It starts
with a phone call

One-on-one 20-minute phone call with Obesity Medicine Specialist, Dr. Minnie Taw, to see if an intensive lifestyle intervention for weight management is a good fit for you.

Let’s begin!…”

If you are a good fit for the program, you will start with a virtual, 90-minute initial consultation with Dr. Minnie Taw. Here we will review your unique medical, nutrition, exercise and lifestyle history.  Together, we will craft a customized road map to meet your individual needs through setting achievable and realistic goals, with an emphasis on making long-term changes.

3-Month Program

Meet virtually with Dr. Taw every week with video visits for the first month and then alternate between video visits and “asynchronous” visits for the second and third months.  (“Asynchronous,” meaning we will communicate through secure messages via the patient portal).  Dr. Taw will help guide and support you every step of the way, and serve as your accountability partner towards better health.

Why choose BestFit

Obesity is a chronic disease linked to several health conditions, which requires specific treatment plans designed with your medical and metabolic needs in mind, based on your personal values and goals. With over 15 years of experience in obesity medicine, Dr. Minnie Taw is ready to help improve your health, get to your goal weight, and keep it off.

Learn more


“Dr. Taw changed my life.  My diet and taste for foods have been transformed; my back problems have subsided; and I have a completely new relationship with my body. It took a lot of work, especially at the beginning, but Dr. Taw guided me throughout my journey. Her encouragement and explanation of the science of weight loss kept me going, pound by pound.  When I began with her, I was in my early 50s and weighed 206 pounds.  Sure, I was carrying a few extra pounds, but I accepted that as part of aging.  A year later, I am 30 pounds lighter.  I haven’t felt this healthy and light since college.”


“The weekly follow ups with Dr. Taw were so helpful, along with the flexible meal plan she prescribed. Together, we set manageable and realistic goals.  I tracked my food, increased my exercise, and worked on developing new habits.  For the first time EVER, losing weight wasn’t torture and I finally lost the thirty pounds!!!!!! I am confident that I will never go back. I could not have done this without Dr. Taw’s help and encouragement. She is simply amazing.”


“I started working with Dr. Taw during a very stressful time.  I let my exercise and eating habits decline and gained over 10lbs!!  Immediately Dr. Taw helped me organize and plan healthy meals for the week ahead.  We also set specific goals each week, while I tracked my food and exercise. Our regular check-ins were so helpful, just having someone to talk through my personal challenges and the real-time advice to adapt the program to my personal needs were so motivating.  One year later, I have kept the weight off and still follow Dr. Taw’s guidance in my day to day.  I have tried everything out there; this is a lifestyle change that really works!!”


“I strongly recommend Dr. Taw’s weight management program.  I signed-on after losing my job and wanted to regain my self-confidence.  Under Dr. Taw’s guidance, I lost 44 pounds.  Dr. Taw was encouraging and motivating.  She helped me pay attention to what, when, and how much I ate, as well as my exercise/physical activity levels and hours of sleep, etc.  The results were dramatic…after a year, I have managed to keep the weight off.  “


Ready to get started?

Why “weight?” Let’s set up a 20-minute call to see if this program is right for you.

Contact us today